this is the Comic Easel Comic Archive page

Maybe we should just follow the law and keep our promise to the nations that we pushed there in the first place.
March 10, 2019
How does one combine a fleshlight and a TV remote?
March 18, 2019
There really is a difference between using a feather, versus using a whole chicken
March 25, 2019
I like how Alexa takes your safety into consideration offers the 8" as large when Amazon Clearly has much larger, longer, & girthier, items available, but knows I've never ordered that type of item before and should take it easy the first time.
April 1, 2019
Mah Nà Mah Nà
April 7, 2019
No shoes, no shirts, no service. OK, we're good.
April 15, 2019
In reality, it's the earth that's tilted
April 22, 2019
I can also stretch pointless, senseless, and meaningless dialogue
April 28, 2019
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
May 5, 2019
at least there's been a long line of continuity, no real plot though.
May 12, 2019